If your physician has recently prescribed a new medication, your prescription will come with a set of instructions about the dose and schedule. Taking new medication can be challenging to get used to as it requires adding a new task to your routine. If you have questions about your medication, we offer medication therapy to answer your concerns.
As one of the most trusted pharmacies in Florida, we will share tips to help you adjust to your new prescription:- Establish a new routine.
As mentioned above, starting a new prescription means getting into a routine with your medicines. If you need to eat before taking your medicine, you can easily incorporate the task into your schedule by setting a reminder to take your medicine after meals. - Allow your body time to adjust.
When you start taking a new medicine, your body will need time to adjust. Some medications come with side effects that cause nausea or headaches. If you are experiencing persistent symptoms, however, your physician may be able to address your concerns. - Ask about OTC medicines and restrictions.
Some medications interact poorly with other drugs or certain beverages and foods. Talk to your physician or pharmacist from your local Hispanic pharmacy about any dietary or lifestyle restrictions. This includes asking about over-the-counter drugs that may have adverse effects when taken with the new medication.
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